Create An Account
Get your account setup

Setup Restaurant
Complete the Getting Started section of the control panel. Add restaurant location, hours and provide the menu. The menu may be uploaded as either a PDF, image or a link.

Review Menus
We'll build out the menus for your order system. Just review the menus and make any needed changes.
Configure Settings
Final touches include setting up the payment gateways, adding website links, setting up the domain, and configuring any printer devices.
Start Accepting Orders
Once everything is configured, you are ready to start accepting prepaid online orders.
Get Started
Review our plans, sign-up, and get started today!
Visit Ordering Page
Guests visit your restaurant order page through a direct link or through a button on your website and browse the online menu.
Select Order Type
When they start placing an order they have the option of Pickup, Delivery, Dine-In or Reservation. These are all configurable per restaurant. Only enable the services you provide. Add additional services when you're ready.
Add Meals to Cart
Visitors add meals to the shopping cart, with all the needed options. Each item has an option for special instructions or comments.
Review Cart
Guests can see their full cart, all the items including fees before they check out. They can easily return to adding meals to the cart to complete the order.
Place Order
This is important. Revenue is critical to your restaurant business. Diner Websites Ordering uses your merchant account, so you get the money right away without any high fees. Guests have the option of a credit card or PayPal for secure payment.
Real Time Order Reciept
You receive the order immediately after it's placed. We have multiple delivery mechanisms to get the order to your kitchen including direct to printer, email, and app dashboard.
Order Management
Once you receive the order you have the ability to manage it and move it through from received status to delivered. Staff will know where it is at all times at a glance.
Check Out a Demo Order Page
Place a test order and see it in action.
Want to improve your restaurant online marketing?
Schedule a FREE no-obligation demo, and see what the platform is all about and how we can help your restaurant business improve online.